Website Disclaimer

We strive to ensure that the information posted on this website is precise and enlightening. Please note that this website serves solely as a source of information and is not intended to replace a consultation with a qualified medical practitioner. The Surgery and its sub-contractors cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages, or injuries that may arise from the use of this website.

Links are provided for informational and convenient purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the content of the linked websites or any information found there. A link does not necessarily indicate our endorsement of a particular site, and not linking to a particular site does not imply a lack of endorsement.

We do our utmost to keep this website accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to this website or its linked sites. We assume no liability for any damages incurred as a result of the unavailability of this information